Retouching is a special service provided by Celebrity Photo Studios for its clients and those wanting to clean up photos taken elsewhere. Retouching will decrease the shadows caused by scars, wrinkles and acne, eliminate wayward hairs, increase the softness of your skin, brighten your smile, and give your final shots an overall pop of vitality ! Even slight wardrobe fixes and make-up enhancement can be achieved by Celebrity Photo Studios’ team of skilled digital retouchers.

Your input on retouching is welcomed. Characteristics that you wish to minimize, or temporary imperfections that may have appeared in time for your shoot can be softened or eliminated accordingly. Scars and moles may be qualities that you use to distinguish yourself, or they may be qualities that you wish to mask. In either case, will honor your request to the best of our ability and make sure that the BEST YOU is revealed.

More complex digital manipulation, such as photo restoration and composites, are also available upon request.

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